Physical Therapy

Why Your Feet and Ankles Are So Important For All Functional Movements

Foot and ankle stability and mobility is so important. Why? Because it’s the only two contacts with the ground that we have when we’re functioning and when we’re upright. And because of that, the foot/ankle connection is a big driver for all the movements that take place in our bodies from the ground all the

Why Your Feet and Ankles Are So Important For All Functional Movements Read More »

Functional Exercises To Help You Avoid Injury Through The Holidays

Hi, Mark and Brian from Fitness for Life PT. Happy Holidays! Typically this time of year, we might get snow so people are out shoveling. People are also out carrying things like packages and doing a lot of shopping. Basically everyone is doing a lot of stuff that they normally may not be doing. Unfortunately,

Functional Exercises To Help You Avoid Injury Through The Holidays Read More »

What Functional Movements Are Required To Start An Exercise Program?

Today, we’re going to give you suggestions on the kind of exercises you need to do before you start an exercise program. Because function, so how we move, activities we do, sports we play, anything like that involves basic movement patterns. One is squatting. You need to pick some exercise that involves squatting, because squatting

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