Why Strengthening Your Gluteal Muscles Is So Important?

This month what we’re going to talk about is glute exercises, or the backside. When we look at the glute area, that mid portion by the pelvis, kind of the center of the body, everything from the ground up goes through that area. Everything from the top down goes through that area. So it’s kind of like Grand Central Station of your body, if you will.

So, what we’re looking at, people sit a lot of times, or do so much sitting, a lot of times they get weak glutes from that. Dr. Stuart McGill calls this gluteal amnesia, which just means that the muscles kind of went on break, and they almost forget how to fire, because people aren’t using them. It is a very important muscle. It’s the largest muscle in the body, and probably the strongest, and you need it for everything that you do, basically.

Brian and I just read a study where they reviewed a bunch of different studies that were done out there, on which are the best glute exercises to do. So because of that, what we’re going to do is go over some different types of glute exercises that you can do at home on your own. These are rated the best exercises for strengthening and training your glutes.

Subscribe and follow along to our YouTube channel where we will show you some exercises you can do at home to strengthen your glute muscles.

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