physical therapy

walking backwards

The Benefits of Walking Backwards: Why This Enhances Your Forward Movement

Walking backwards might seem like an odd practice for most, but when you take a deeper look, it holds profound benefits for forward movement. This week, let’s explore why integrating backwards walking into your routine could actually enhance how you walk forward.When I was a kid, everyone had a station wagon if there were more

The Benefits of Walking Backwards: Why This Enhances Your Forward Movement Read More »

What Functional Movements Are Required To Start An Exercise Program?

Today, we’re going to give you suggestions on the kind of exercises you need to do before you start an exercise program. Because function, so how we move, activities we do, sports we play, anything like that involves basic movement patterns. One is squatting. You need to pick some exercise that involves squatting, because squatting

What Functional Movements Are Required To Start An Exercise Program? Read More »