Enhance Your Walking Technique: Understanding 3D Movement

Mark and Brian here from Fitness for Life. We’re excited to bring you some insightful exercises about walking. Walking is a fundamental activity that everyone does, but have you ever stopped to think about how you walk? Many people unconsciously change how they walk or do not walk as we are naturally designed to.

The 3D Aspect of Walking

When we say walking is a 3D movement, it means that the walking pattern involves more than just moving forward. Although it appears as a straightforward activity, all the joints in the body move in three different directions: forward and backward, side to side, and rotationally. Essentially, walking involves a larger degree of rotational movement than one might initially think.

Understanding Joint Movement

Let’s break down what we mean. When you take a step forward with your left foot, your pelvis rotates to the left. This rotation can be observed if you place your hands on your hips and step forward with your left foot. You will notice your left elbow moves forward slightly as your pelvis rotates leftward. Here’s where it gets interesting—your upper body moves in the opposite direction. While your pelvis rotates to the left, your upper trunk (or thoracic spine) rotates to the right. This counter-rotation is why your opposite arm swings forward with the forward leg. This motion helps engage various muscles, aids in balance, and contributes to the efficiency of your walking.

The Rubber Band Effect

Imagine a rubber band aligned with your trunk. As your upper and lower body rotate in opposite directions, this creates a stretch, much like stretching a rubber band. This counter motion helps to activate the muscles required to take the next step forward, ensuring you have a fluid walking pattern.

Common Walking Issues

In clinical settings, we see many people who exhibit walking patterns that lack adequate trunk motion. Often, this inadequate motion can lead to issues like back pain, shoulder issues, and even knee pain. Some individuals move their pelvis but lack the necessary trunk motion and only display minimal arm swing. This can cause various muscular and joint issues because the body isn’t engaging in the designed 3D counter motions needed for efficient and healthy walking.

Benefits of Proper Walking Technique

Engaging in the proper walking technique ensures that you are mobilizing your entire back, utilizing the complete range of motion—including side to side and rotational movements, in addition to moving forward. This complete engagement promotes overall well-being and can potentially alleviate various musculoskeletal problems.

Exercises to Improve Walking Patterns

To help promote a better walking pattern, we’re going over some exercises that you can start incorporating into your routine. Enhancing your walking technique is crucial since walking is an activity you perform daily. The more efficient you are with it, the better it is for your overall health. For further questions and personalized guidance, feel free to contact us at Fitness for Life. Visit our website at by clicking here.

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